Bounce Net®

24x7 private, online community and safety net

Bounce Net is a safe, private, online community, exclusively for Bounce Parents, that is always on/always there.  Ensuring connection when - and where – most needed, parents can celebrate a ‘win’, ask a question, request help, offer support, get advice, share resources, compare notes, and “vent”.  Also, one-stop-shopping for Bounce Bash family adventure invites, Bounce It Forward ticket opportunities, and access to Bounce Academy.  The strength of a shoulder, the compassion of an ear, hope, connection, and support all in one place – just a few clicks away.
Bounce Net provides families with a wide variety of resources including, but not limited to:

  • Direct connection to, and private communications with, other Bounce families
  • Ability to share struggles and accomplishments
  • Access to other service organisations and support resources
  • Leveraging Bounce Academy®education
  • Notification of Bounce It Forward® Ticket opportunities & Bounce Bash® Family Adventures
  • Responsive, Portable, Accessible from Home, Work or Healthcare Setting
  • Confidential Access to Bounce Community of Peer Wisdom and Friendship
  • Easy and Efficient Access to Bounce Programs & Services
  • On-Demand Connection to Support, Resources, and Education Increase Resilience

All enrolled Bounce parents/caregivers are automatically eligible for Bounce Net.   To participate, parents/caregivers simply go to Bounce Net and ask to be added to the group.

Absolutely nothing!  All Bounce programs and services, including Bounce Net, are offered free of charge to members.

All enrolled Bounce parents/caregivers are automatically eligible to be part of Bounce Net. To join Bounce Netclick here.

Membership is available to all families with a child, under the age of 18, who has been diagnosed with a chronic disease and/or permanent injury, regardless of socioeconomic status.  When a child is diagnosed, the entire family is diagnosed, so we welcome – and serve – the entire family.  (NOTE: all family members must live in the same household.)  To join, simply complete our application by clicking here.

There are a number of ways to support Bounce Net, including:

  • You can recommend a resource to be included in Bounce Net. If you know of another organisation, government program, support service, or expert, that might benefit our Bounce families, please email
  • You and/or your company can donate to help fund the development of future versions of Bounce Net which will include new features and functions.
  • You and/or your company can volunteer with Bounce.